
專題演講:Look into Deep Nature: The Application of micro/nano-CT, 3D Image for Novel Drug Research, Gene Therapy and BioMedical Devices Development

日期:2021-01-13 15:41:04



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專 題 演 講
一、演講題目:Look into Deep Nature: The Application of micro/nano-CT, 3D Image for Novel Drug Research, Gene Therapy and BioMedical Devices Development

二、主講人:林子閎 博士 (工業技術研究院 材料與化學研究所 奈米斷層掃描實驗室)

三、時間:110年1月26日(二)  14:10~15:10







附件一:Curriculum Vitae




" Look into Deep Nature: The Application of micro/nano-CT, 3D Image for Novel Drug Research, Gene Therapy and BioMedical Devices Development "


Multiscale computed tomography (micro/nano-CT) systems are widely used in many fields especially for orthopaedic research, dental research, cancer research and development of biomedical devices. For drug research, we used this system to discover the drug effects on many bone diseases models including sarcopenia, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis animal models. Combination of micro-CT system with histology and other system is very popular in this field. For example, we combine micro-CT system with μMRI and μPET for disease monitoring and drug efficacy evaluation, recently we assist the development of treatment for pulmonary fibrosis. In addition, we can use this system for the development of innovative 3D laser-printed porous bone/dental implants. We used this system to check the quality and 3D structure of new printed porous implants. The most important application is using this 3D technology to investigate the osseointegration between porous implants and bone in animal models. We then analyzed the status of bone ongrowth and bone ingrowth. 3D information was collected for the evaluation of porous implants structure and new bone growth. In addition, we combine X-ray 3D analysis technology with X-ray 2D material identification system including Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and micro-X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (micro-XRF), we can check the status of new formed bone, implants and screw in appropriate region of interest and even check the status of biodegradable devices. These technologies are good and efficient tools to improve and accelerate biomedical research and product investigations.




如大家所知,X光斷層掃瞄 (Clinical Computed Tomography)系統在醫療以及各領域的應用都非常受到重視。在2017年光是斷層掃描儀的市場就有40億美金。在臨床中斷層掃描技術(Medical Computed Tomography)常用來診斷疾病,例如斷層掃描技術在骨科牙科的診斷與治療上佔有非常大的地位。在健康檢查中低劑量斷層掃描能用於發現早期肺癌。隨著顯影劑與影像技術的進步,對比增強電腦斷層掃瞄(CECT: Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography)應運而生更提供了斷層掃描的應用領域,也能夠使用於心血管檢測與多種癌症檢測上。


而這項技術回到基礎研究近年來也廣受歡迎。高解析度的微米級斷層掃描技術(micro-CT)發展於1980年代,而在2010初期,解析度已經進步到5-50 μm,而現在隨著X光光管的進步,從高效率微米聚焦光管道高效率奈米聚焦光管,奈米斷層掃描技術(nano-CT)在歐美也廣受歡迎,在台灣主要用在材料開發、醫材開發以及電子業精密檢測。

而在生物醫學上,這項技術也可以應用於動物的活體試驗以及包括臨床前的新藥開發與細胞治療基因治療開發,生物醫學領域中常用到的顯微斷層掃描儀 系統,如同臨床應用上,醫療團隊們會搭配顯影劑(CECT; contrast enhanced computed tomography)進行造影,這樣能廣泛應用於癌症檢測(肺癌、大腸直腸癌、骨轉移癌症為主),骨科應用研究(肌肉萎縮症、骨質疏鬆症、骨關節炎與風濕性關節炎)與多樣牙科應用等等。同時醫學單位會搭配高解析度核磁共振儀(micro-MRI)以及正子造影(microPET)系統,這樣更能夠針對廣泛動物疾病模式檢測例如腦癌、胰臟癌以及腎臟疾病,而協助進行後續的新藥和醫材開發。另外因應近期冠狀病毒疫情的後遺症,許多針對難解的肺臟纖維化(俗稱菜瓜布肺)的新治療方法急需開發,我們也使用顯微斷層掃瞄系統協助進行治療方式的開發。這項技術在新穎醫材與牙科材料的開發上非常受歡迎,建立完3D模型後,我們也整合EDS/XRF元素分析儀,這樣可以直接知道骨骼鈣化情況跟孔隙骨釘/3D陶瓷之類材料的共存狀態以及生長狀態甚至可以觀察生物可降解醫材之分解狀況。結論: 奈米/微米斷層掃描整合新穎醫療檢測系統能夠大力協助醫學研究與產品開發。

相關附件: 附件1.pdf | 附件2.pdf
