

日期:2024-05-15 09:34:07



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1. 中國醫藥大學醫學院「全英語夏令營」

China Medical University College of Medicine Summer Camp 2024

活動日期 (Date): June 24 (Mon)~ June 27 (Thu), 2024

主辦單位 (Organizer): College of Medicine, China Medical University & English Corner Teacher Todd Blackhurst

No. of Participants: 30 students of China Medical University

Application Deadline: June 7, 2024

Online Application Form:  https://forms.gle/17QZdYmp6N9GH2Wx6

Activity Content: Minute to win it games(團隊遊戲) , Conversation Groups, games at sports center, board games, learning about western culture, skits, etc.

Note: Spots are limited; therefore, you will receive a confirmation letter from the College of Medicine before June 20th, if you have applied successfully. 

*Participants are advised to participate in the 4 whole days of the summer camp.

**全程參與4天summer camp的學生可獲得EMI護照點數認列3點

For more information, please visit: https://cm.cmu.edu.tw/news/302




Name of Activity: "We are the World: Ethnic Costumes from Different Cultures"

Date: May 23rd, 2024 (Thursday) 12:00pm~13:00pm

Venue: 5F, Classroom 5B01, Huchu Building, Yingcai Campus (英才校區互助大樓五樓5B01教室)

Presenter: Ms. Meng-Chia Liu (Monica)

Participants: 50 students (International and Taiwanese students)

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/FX8XFsmXsfbd6gud9

Registration Deadline: May 20, 2024 (Monday)

*本活動以全英語方式進行 (This activity will be conducted in English.)

*本活動提供餐盒 (限前50名報名者)


For more information, please visit: https://cm.cmu.edu.tw/news/311




Name of Activity: Unlocking Heritage: Mastering Batak Culture from Indonesia's Austronesian Roots

Date: June 14th, 2024 (Friday) 16:00pm~17:30pm

Venue: 5F, Classroom 5B03, Huchu Building, Yingcai Campus (英才校區互助大樓五樓5B03教室)

Presenter: Mr. Ikbal Andrian Malau

Participants: 50 students (International and Taiwanese students)

Registration Link:  https://forms.gle/Gf45Rw3vw5CaHFmQ6

Registration Deadline: June 7, 2024 (Fri)

*本活動以全英語方式進行 (The activity will be conducted in English.)

*本活動提供餐盒 (限前50名報名者)


For more information, please visit: https://cm.cmu.edu.tw/news/312



The Office of the EMI Program, College of Medicine, China Medical University
TEL: 04-22053366 ext.2191/ ext. 2135
EMAIL: shuen@cmu.edu.tw (Ms. Chen)/ lihsin@cmu.edu.tw (Ms. Lee)

相關附件: 沒有附件
