112-2 中醫學院雙語化學習計畫(EMI):TED演講技巧工作坊
日期:2024-04-02 09:34:15
來場TED Talk演講盛宴吧!!
中醫學院將於2024年04月26日(五)舉辦TED演講技巧工作坊(1),祈以 EMI 全英文教學的方式,拓展師生額外語言知能,讓全校師生與國際接軌。
活動主題透過「定位主題及核心訊息」,「確立觀眾需求」,「 認識TED Talk架構」 及「 引領觀眾進入你的TED世界」,強化個人語言表達技能與舞台掌握力,期盼透過工作坊的知能培力訓練,讓參與者更勇於展現語言的表達。歡迎全校有興趣的教職員及學生一同參與!
時間:113/04/26 (五) 13:00-17:00
地點: 英才校區 互助大樓8樓 主動學習教室
主題:新手必備:演講達人與你攜手打造一場亮眼的TED Talk。
- 李海碩 校長 (葳格國際學校 總校長 、 生成式AI創新學院 執行長 、 美國教育測驗服務社ETS多益專業教師發展 工作坊講師(TOEIC Propell Trainer) )
- 徐碧霞 講師 (國際英語檢定 官方講師、英語測驗口試官、國合會駐外英語面試委員)
時間:113/04/26 (五) 13:00-17:00
地點: 英才校區 互助大樓8樓 主動學習教室
計畫主持人:中醫學院 顏宏融院長
聯絡人:04-22053366#3804 紀小姐 (chiahsin@cmu.edu.tw)/ #3142 李先生 (reu@mail.cmu.edu.tw)
計畫主持人:中醫學院 顏宏融院長
聯絡人:04-22053366#3804 紀小姐 (chiahsin@cmu.edu.tw)/ #3142 李先生 (reu@mail.cmu.edu.tw)
Let's TED Talk ! !
The College of Chinese Medicine will hold a Workshop for TED Speech Skills (1) on April 26, 2024 (Fri.).
The workshop aims to strengthen one’s language and speech delivery skills by the content including “how to choose a clear topic and core messages”, “getting to know about audience’s interests and needs”, “learning about TED Talk’s structure” and “how to tell a gripping story”. Through the intellectual training in the workshop, participants will be more courageous to express themselves and deliver speeches. All faculty members and students at CMU are welcome to participate!
Topic: A Must-have for Beginners: Creating Your Dazzling TED Talk with the Speech Master
Date: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM on April 26, 2024 (Fri.)
Location: Area A Active Learning Classroom, 8th Floor, Hùzhù Building (Yingcai Campus)
Sign-up: Starting today until capacity is full (60 people/session)
*Exquisite dessert will be provided.
*The activity is free of charge. Students who participate full-time will receive a certificate of participation and 3 points of "EMI Passport" issued by Bilingual Education Center, CMU.
Bilingual Education Program at College of Chinese Medicine (EMI)
Program Principal Investigator: Hung-Rong Yen / Dean of the College of Chinese Medicine
Program Executive Director: Wen-Te Chang / Director of the College of Chinese Medicine
Organizer: Office of Bilingual Education Program at College of Chinese Medicine, CMU
Contact: 04-22053366 #3804 Ms. Chi / #3142 Mr. Li
The College of Chinese Medicine will hold a Workshop for TED Speech Skills (1) on April 26, 2024 (Fri.).
The workshop aims to strengthen one’s language and speech delivery skills by the content including “how to choose a clear topic and core messages”, “getting to know about audience’s interests and needs”, “learning about TED Talk’s structure” and “how to tell a gripping story”. Through the intellectual training in the workshop, participants will be more courageous to express themselves and deliver speeches. All faculty members and students at CMU are welcome to participate!
Topic: A Must-have for Beginners: Creating Your Dazzling TED Talk with the Speech Master
- Haishuo Lee, Superintendent of Wagor International School
- Pi-Hsia Hsu, Facilitator of ETS Official TOEIC Propell
Date: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM on April 26, 2024 (Fri.)
Location: Area A Active Learning Classroom, 8th Floor, Hùzhù Building (Yingcai Campus)
Sign-up: Starting today until capacity is full (60 people/session)
*Exquisite dessert will be provided.
*The activity is free of charge. Students who participate full-time will receive a certificate of participation and 3 points of "EMI Passport" issued by Bilingual Education Center, CMU.
Bilingual Education Program at College of Chinese Medicine (EMI)
Program Principal Investigator: Hung-Rong Yen / Dean of the College of Chinese Medicine
Program Executive Director: Wen-Te Chang / Director of the College of Chinese Medicine
Organizer: Office of Bilingual Education Program at College of Chinese Medicine, CMU
Contact: 04-22053366 #3804 Ms. Chi / #3142 Mr. Li
相關附件: 沒有附件