台印國際合作暨生醫光電專題講座Special Lecture for Taiwan-India International Cooperation on Biophotonics
日期:2023-11-20 14:42:39
台印國際合作暨生醫光電專題講座/Special Lecture for Taiwan-India International Cooperation on Biophotonics
時間/time:2023.12.04 (Mon) 09:10-11:50am
活動地點/location:互助大樓11樓11A01會議室(英才校區)/Huchu Hall 11A01 room at Yingcai campus
- 9:20-9:30 Opening remark for the special lectures
- 9:30-10:10
1. Prof. Krishna Kishore Mahato, Department of Biophysics, School of Life Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal, India
Title: Scope of Autofluorescence in Biomedical Investigations
- 10:10-10:50
2. Assoc. Prof. Nirmal Mazumder, Department of Biophysics, School of Life Sciences, MAHE, Manipal, India
Title: Multiphoton microscopy for investigating biomacromolecules
- 10:50-11:20
3. Prof. Annamalai Muthusamy, Department of Plant Science, School of Life Sciences, MAHE, Manipal, India
Title: Laser-mediated breeding of medicinal and aromatic crops – A potential approach for improved bioactive molecules for human health
- 11:20-11:50
4. Assoc. Prof. Ajeetkumar Patil, Department of Atomic & Molecular Physics, MAHE, Manipal, India
Title: Biophotonics Tools for Cancer Applications
- Take photos and get lunch box
We sincerely invite you to attend and learn more about how to use biophotonic tools to study biomedicine and cancer. This event serves as a bridge for cooperation between Taiwan (China Medical University) and India (MAHE) and can enhance your research.
Organizer: Institute of Translational Medicine and New Drug Development, China Medical University, Taiwan
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