
【公告】【Eng】111年英語歌唱影片競賽人氣投票 Online Voting for popular videos of English Singing Competition in 2022

日期:2022-12-02 17:23:34



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感謝參賽者們的踴躍投稿!Thank you for all your participations and wonderful videos !

人氣投票日期/Online Voting for popular videos

Dec. 1st, 2022 (12:00, Thursday) – Dec. 7th, 2022 (17:00, Wednesday)

可參與投票對象 / Who can vote

中國醫藥大學 校內學生、教師、職員(以中國醫google帳號登入投票以確認身分,學生帳號 「u學號@cmu.edu.tw」,教職員帳號 「校園入口網帳號@cmu.edu.tw」)

Students, teachers, and staff of CMU can attend this vote. Please log in via the school Google account (@cmu.edu.tw) to vote.

每人可投票票數 / Number of your ballots

參賽作品共計 29 件,每人可投2票(2票不可重複)。請留意每人只有1次投票機會,送出後無法修改投票內容,請謹慎投下您手中的2票!

There are 29 works in this vote. Everyone has two ballots and must vote for different works. Kindly note that each person only has one chance to vote, and which two you vote for cannot be modified after submitting the form. 

評分標準 / Evaluation criteria


The result of the popular vote accounts for 10% of the scoring criteria of this competition. Come and put your ballots, and let your favorite work get more chance to be seen. 

點我投票去 / Click to vote


完整活動辦法 / Information about this competition

111年 英語歌唱影片競賽 / English Singing Competition in 2022

相關附件: 沒有附件
