
110年英語微電影競賽,獎金優渥,歡迎踴躍參賽!(English Micro Film Competition in 2021)

日期:2021-10-12 12:34:13



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中國醫藥大學 110年英語微電影競賽 English Micro Film Competition in 2021(第二次公告)


(一) 藉由英語微電影競賽活動增進全體學生英文基礎能力,鼓勵學生運用英文溝通,並創造英語學習氛圍,提升學生學習動機,發揮創意,以此提升英文學習效能。

(二) 結合中國醫藥大學之醫學背景與核心素養,提倡知識技能和專業發展,參與人文關懷及社會服務,彰顯學校之獨特性與前瞻性。


The English micro-film contest aims to (1) improve the basic English skills of all students, (2) encourage students to communicate in English, (3) create an English learning atmosphere, (4) enhance students’ learning motivation, (5) demonstrate creativity, and (6) increase the effectiveness of English learning.

The purpose also emphasizes to (1) integrate the medical background into the core competencies of China Medical University, (2) promote knowledge and professional development, (3) participate in humanistic care and social services, and (4) demonstrate the uniqueness and forward-looking nature of the school.


二、主辦單位:中國醫藥大學 人文與科技學院暨語文中心 黃文志老師

Organizer: Assist. Prof. Wen-Chi Huang, Language Center of College of Humanities and Sciences, China Medical University


三、協辦單位:中國醫藥大學 高教深耕執行處

Co-organizer: Office of Higher Education Sprout Project, China Medical University




All CMU on-campus students (students who are currently enrolled this semester, including both undergraduates and graduates.)




(二)得獎名單公告日期:110年11月29日(週一) 17:00

Time Duration

Registration date: 08/02/2021 (Monday) to 11/01/2021 (17:00, Monday)

Announcement date of the winners list: 11/29/2021 (17:00,Monday)



第一名 1 隊,頒發新台幣一萬五仟元整之獎金及獎狀乙張。

第二名 1 隊,頒發新台幣一萬二仟元整之獎金及獎狀乙張。

第三名 1 隊,頒發新台幣九仟元整之獎金及獎狀乙張。

佳作共 5 隊,分別頒發新台幣五仟元整之獎金及獎狀乙張。



The First place: 1 team will be awarded a bonus of NT$15,000 and a certificate.

The Second place: 1 team will be awarded a bonus of NT$12,000 and a certificate.

The third place: 1 team will be awarded a bonus of NT$9,000 and a certificate.

A total of 5 teams with outstanding works will be awarded a bonus of NT$5,000 and a certificate. (If the number of the participants is too small, the rewards will be reduced.)



For more information https://language.cmu.edu.tw/activities




相關附件: 110年英語微電影競賽海報.jpg
